Monday, June 29, 2009
Chapter 23 Teaser
Until this night, I've never been insecure about anything in my life. I've never been so afraid of being rejected but the fact that she has rejected me twice before was killing my self esteem.
I need her to know how much she means to me. I need her to understand that I will do anything for her.
I need to her to know that I realize I was wrong and that I want to make it right. I want her. I want her all to myself. I want her without Emmett. I want to wake up with her everyday. I want to spend everyday showing her how much I love her.
I had to calm myself down. I knew she was here. I had heard the doors opening and closing and I knew she was following the notes. She hadn't given up on me yet. I finally heard her footsteps getting closer to the door. My heart beat instantly raced when I heard her pull down the last note on the front of my bedroom door.
I stood up and closed my eyes. I inhaled a few deep breaths and attempted to relax. I needed to be calm when she opened the door. I needed to be able to say everything I wanted to say calmly.
I heard the knob begin to turn and I turned to face the door. My pulse was racing as I waited to see her face. Once the door was fully open I could see what I've been missing for so long. The soft light from the candles in the room was just enough for me to see her striking features. She hadn't seen me yet. She was looking around the room. She was looking at the dozens of red and pink roses that lined the room. She was seeing the huge candles that I had strategically placed in the room. She finally noticed the small table and two chairs I had set up towards the back corner of the room. There were two plates filled with honey glazed salmon on a bed of rice. There were two champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne in the center.
I stood behind the table with my hands clasped behind my back. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. It was like seeing her for the first time. She was so beautiful without even trying. She didn't need the fancy clothes or even make up. She was naturally stunning in a pair of jeans and a shirt.
She finally noticed me standing behind the table and I heard her gasp. I automatically wondered if it was a good gasp or a bad gasp. Her hand went to cover her mouth and the other hand went to her stomach. My eyes met hers and her eyes looked glassy. Like she had been crying. I didn't want her to cry. I was trying to make her happy.
I walked over to her without breaking my eye contact with her. I reached out my hands to her, hoping she would allow me to embrace her. At least, hoping she would hold my hands. After a few seconds, she removed her hands from her mouth and stomach and put her hands inside of mine. I immediately felt the electricity that I had been missing. It was amazing that something as simple as hand to hand contact could bring so much electricity.
We continued to look into each others' eyes for a few moments. I didn't want to turn away from her. I didn't want to look at anything else. Nothing else compares to her. She is all I would ever need. I gently rubbed small circles on the tops of her hands with my thumbs. I wasn't sure if I was trying to comfort her or myself.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Chapter 23- Open Arms/ Realize/ On Bended Knee

Chapter 23- Realize/ Open Arms/ On Bended Knee
Bella POV
I pushed open the door and stepped into the kitchen. My heart immediately fluttered and my breath was taken away from the sight before me. The room was entirely dark and it looked as if the whole bottom floor was dark as well. I gazed around the room and noticed all of the work that Edward had put into this night.
On the island there were red candles in the shape of a heart that were illuminating the room. The invigorating scent from the candles filled the room and surrounded me. The scent was heavenly. It wasn't over powering but it was the sweet smell of strawberries and cream. The counter tops were lined with more small candles. On the floor was a line made of pink rose petals. In the center of the heart was a small red envelope with a small blue box on top.
I let out the breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. My hand was covering my open mouth. I was in complete shock. I couldn't believe he had honestly done all of this. I had no idea that he could be this romantic. I knew that money was no object to him but if the rest of the house looked anything like this, I could only imagine how much money he had spent. I continued to look around the room. I was searching for him, for his face but I never saw him. Then I glanced back at the letter in my hand and remembered that he had asked me to follow the instructions. I had been so caught up in taking everything in that I hadn't even looked for instructions.
I shut the door behind me and slowly walked over to the island. I grabbed the blue box and envelope. Tiffany's. Nice. I opened the envelope first. Another hand written note.
Everything I've done in this room is because of you. Every piece reminds me of you in some way. The strawberries and cream candles remind me of the smell of your hair. The heart formation is because you have my heart. You've always had it. The pink rose petals remind me of your beautiful cheeks when you blush. Open the box.
Love you,
My eyes started to tear up but I couldn't start crying already. It was too early to start that. I opened the blue box and saw a folded up note. I lifted the note to open it and saw a small silver heart shaped lock that said “I Love You.” I gasped at the sight of it. It was beautiful and I couldn't believe he had bought it. I didn't know when he had bought it. How long has he been planning this? He hasn't had time to buy it since he asked me to come over. He must have been planning this for some time.
I held the box in my hand and unfolded the note.
I told you that you have my heart. Here it is. It's locked because only you have the key. No one else has been able to open it the same that you have. Please, follow the line of rose petals.
Loving you always,
I began to follow the line. I was breathing in the scents and taking in the room as I walked. I had never had anything like this done for me before and I didn't want to miss anything. I wanted to savor every moment.
I had a feeling that after tonight nothing between us would be the same.
The line led past the end of the island, through the hallway and into the living room. It stopped at the coffee table in the center of the room. There were more candles on the coffee table but these were white and smelled of vanilla. The candles formed a circle around another red envelope with another blue box on top.
I leaned down to grab the box and envelope. I opened the envelope first.
I hope you like what you've seen so far. The vanilla candles are for the way your breath smells when your mouth is so close to mine. The circle is never ending and that is a symbol of my love for you. It will never end.
My eyes were seriously tearing up and it was hard to control my emotions. All of this was so thoughtful and loving. I took a few deep breaths to get my emotions in check. I opened the box. Inside was a note and small silver charm in the shape of a crown. I unfolded the note.
You are my queen. There's a ribbon on the other side of the table. Follow it please.
Loving you more,
I set down the boxes and envelopes. I didn't know where the ribbon was leading or what it was leading to and I didn't want to drop anything. I finally set down my purse on the couch as I walked over to the beginning of the ribbon. I followed it with my eyes first. I led up the stairs to the second floor. I walked up the stairs and curiously looked around for Edward. Where is he? How much more can there be?
Still, no Edward. I reached the top of the stairs and looked around. There was a line of the strawberry candles on the small table against the wall. Behind the line of candles was another blue box and red envelope. I reached for the envelope.
The candles are standing in a line to represent the way that I will always stand here and wait for you.
So in love with you,
A single tear managed to escape after that note. I was just so surprised and never realized how much he really felt for me. Maybe, I never allowed myself to see it but I was definitely seeing it now.
I opened the box. Another note and this time it was a bracelet with a small silver heart with diamonds in it.
This bracelet reminded me of you. It's strong, delicate, classy, beautiful and the diamonds sparkle like your beautiful eyes.
Yours always,
He has put so much thought into every one of these gifts and I had no idea he even thought about things like this.
There were no instructions in the note. I looked around the floor. To my left I saw another line of pink rose petals. I followed the petals to the door of Edward's bedroom. I opened the door and stepped inside. There were more of the vanilla candles on the dresser. They were in the shape of a star. In the center was the infamous red envelope and blue box I had come to love.
This was the room where our relationship had advanced to the next level. This room will always be special to me because of that but I have a confession. This isn't my bedroom. I'm sorry I lied to you but I am promising to tell you the truth about everything tonight. You are my star.
Always my love,
I was a little upset that he had lied about something as trivial as his bedroom but we were starting on a new page tonight and as long as he told me the truth I wouldn't get mad him.
I opened the box. There was no note but a set of diamond earrings in the shape of a star.
I was getting so anxious to see Edward. I wanted to jump him and kiss him and hug him. Tell him that I love him too and thank you and I'm sorry.
I looked around the room for the instructions. I saw a note taped to the back of the door. I walked over and pulled it off the door.
You are almost done. I promise. I wish I could see your face right now. I bet you look so beautiful.
Exit this room and go to the stairs leading to the the third floor. There will be a ribbon waiting for you.
Te Amo,
I did as he instructed. When I reached the stairs, I saw the red ribbon along them. I followed the ribbon to the top of the stairs. The area was dark just like the rest of the house but this time there were big three wick candles leading to a door on the left side of the hallway. I followed the candles to the closed door. There was another red envelope taped to the door. I pulled the envelope down and opened it to find another hand written note.
Thank you for trusting me to guide you tonight. I'm happy that you still have a little faith left in me. This is the last note. I hope that you have seen a small glimmer of my love for you tonight. I don't know that I can ever fully express the depth of it but I promise to never quit trying. There's one last gift in this envelope. There is a silver key. It represents the key to my heart. I'm giving it to you. You've had it ever since I met you, you just never knew. I hope that you will take it and care for it. I'm just behind this door. I can't wait to see you.
Forever yours,
I looked in the envelope and pulled out the silver key with a heart at the top. It was beautiful. It was the key to his heart and he just handed it over to me. It meant more than he could imagine.
My heart began to race and my breathing was erratic, once again, with the thought of Edward standing on the other side of the door waiting on me. I had been looking for him in every room but knowing he was just that close to me, made me a little nervous. Seeing him after all of this, was going to be like seeing him for the first time. I was seeing him in a new light. I was seeing the Edward that wasn't afraid to show his love. The Edward that wasn't afraid to be vulnerable. He was putting himself out there tonight and was trusting me not to shut him down again. There was no way I could shut him down after all of this. I wanted to be here with him just as much as he wanted me. He just didn't know that yet.
I took a couple deep breaths and rolled my shoulders back. I grasped the door knob and turned it. I was going into this room to get my man. This was a new start for us and I wasn't going to let either one of us mess this up, again. I had pretty much already made my decision. I wasn't sure how I would do it but the fact that Em was cheating on me, only aided me in making the decision. I would end it with Em, as soon as possible.
I pushed the door open to the room. I stood still for a second taking in everything in the room. It was stunning and more than I could ever ask for.
Edward POV
My mind was racing as I sat on the edge of my bed. It felt like I had been up here waiting on her for days. I had only came upstairs when I saw that she was pulling in the driveway. In all actuality, it had only been about thirty minutes. I couldn't control my thoughts. Did I go too far with all of this? Was is too much too soon? Would she think I was trying to buy her love? Would she think that all I have is money to throw around? Would she think I was that shallow? Would she believe me when I told her all of these things tonight? Would she walk out on me again?
Until this night, I've never been insecure about anything in my life. I've never been so afraid of being rejected but the fact that she has rejected me twice before was killing my self esteem.
I need her to know how much she means to me. I need her to understand that I will do anything for her.
I need to her to know that I realize I was wrong and that I want to make it right. I want her. I want her all to myself. I want her without Emmett. I want to wake up with her everyday. I want to spend everyday showing her how much I love her.
I had to calm myself down. I knew she was here. I had heard the doors opening and closing and I knew she was following the notes. She hadn't given up on me yet.
I finally heard her footsteps getting closer to the door. My heart beat instantly raced when I heard her pull down the last note on the front of my bedroom door.
I stood up and closed my eyes. I inhaled a few deep breaths and attempted to relax. I needed to be calm when she opened the door. I needed to be able to say everything I wanted to say calmly.
I heard the knob begin to turn and I turned to face the door. My pulse was racing as I waited to see her face. Once the door was fully open I could see what I've been missing for so long. The soft light from the candles in the room was just enough for me to see her striking features.
She hadn't seen me yet. She was looking around the room. She was looking at the dozens of red and pink roses that lined the room. She was seeing the huge candles that I had strategically placed in the room. She finally noticed the small table and two chairs I had set up towards the back corner of the room. There were two plates filled with honey glazed salmon on a bed of rice. There were two champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne in the center.
I stood behind the table with my hands clasped behind my back. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. It was like seeing her for the first time. She was so beautiful without even trying. She didn't need the fancy clothes or even make up. She was naturally stunning in a pair of jeans and a shirt.
She finally noticed me standing behind the table and I heard her gasp. I automatically wondered if it was a good gasp or a bad gasp. Her hand went to cover her mouth and the other hand went to her stomach. My eyes met hers and her eyes looked glassy. Like she had been crying. I didn't want her to cry. I was trying to make her happy.
I walked over to her without breaking our eye contact. I reached out my hands to her, hoping she would allow me to embrace her. At least, hoping she would hold my hands. After a few seconds, she removed her hands from her mouth and stomach and put her hands inside of mine. I immediately felt the electricity that I had been missing. It was amazing that something as simple as hand to hand contact could bring me so much comfort.
We continued to look into each others' eyes for a few moments. I didn't want to turn away from her. I didn't want to look at anything else. Nothing else compares to her. She is all I would ever need.
I gently rubbed small circles on the tops of her hands with my thumbs. I wasn't sure if I was trying to comfort her or myself.
I managed to finally start the speech I had been rehearsing in my head. “Bella, I can't thank you enough for coming tonight. You didn't have to give me another chance and I'm so grateful that you have.” I paused for a second. Continuing to gaze into her eyes. She was biting her bottom lip as if she was trying to restrain herself. I licked my lips and continued. “The gifts tonight were small tokens of my love. They all represent the beautiful and amazing woman that you are and all of your wonderful qualities. They say that you don't realize what you have until you've lost it and they were right. I took advantage of you. You were always honest with me and I lied to you out of fear of losing you. I'm sorry for that. I would take it back if I could. I would never have let her even into my house if I had known that I would lose you for one second. I was so in love with you that I thought I could make myself fall in love with her and be happy with her since I couldn't have you.” She closed her eyes and began to shake her head. I couldn't understand why. I wasn't done yet. There was still so much I wanted to tell her and she was shaking her head 'no' at me. “I.... am....” She interrupted me.
“Stop, Edward.” She said as she was still shaking her head at me. “Edward....” She started as she finally opened her eyes and looked at me. I saw a few tears escape from her eyes. “I know why you lied. I understand it. It doesn't make it right but I understand. This whole situation has been tough and we've both made mistakes. I'm sorry I didn't believe me when you told me you loved me. I realize now that you do love me. You don't have to explain it all to me.”
I released her hands from mine and brought them to the sides of her face. I held them there for a moment before I started to talk again.
“Thank you Bella. Thank you for understanding but I do need to explain a few more things. Will you sit down with me and allow me to finish?”
She brought her hands up to mine and nodded her head. I took her hand and led her to her seat at the table. She sat down and I went to my seat across the table but it seemed so far away now. I didn't want to be that far away from her. I picked up my chair and moved it to sit directly next to her. I turned towards her and took her hands in mine again.
“The first thing is that I lied to you about my bedroom. It was something so stupid to lie about but I didn't want you to see any of her things and they were in this room. That is why I wanted tonight to be in this room. I wanted to open it to you and show you everything. This is my bedroom. I've pretty much replaced everything so that there are no more reminders of her in here. I want to make new memories in here with you. I don't want anything to be off limits to you.” I swallowed hard. Her face seemed so understanding and loving. She didn't look angry at all.
“The second thing is something I want to share with you. It's something that no one else on this Earth knows. I don't want any secrets between us and if we are going to start fresh, then you should know all of this.” I stopped for a second and realized that she was now the one rubbing soothing circles on my hands. How could she know how hard this was going to be for me to tell her?
I licked my lips and started again. “I didn't know until after my parents' died that Esme wasn't my real mother. Carlisle had lived in Chicago to do his residency after he graduated from medical school. He was working at the University of Chicago hospital before he met Esme. He met a young nursing intern during his third year of residency. Her name was Elizabeth. They were very taken with each other and began to see each other romantically. The residents and interns were not supposed to date so they had to keep it a secret. They continued to see each other for quite some time. One day while they were still involved, Carlisle met Esme and immediately fell in love with her. He broke things off with Elizabeth at that point. He and Esme were married only a couple months after they met. Soon after the wedding Elizabeth told my dad that she was pregnant with me.” I stopped and tried to regain my composure. This was harder than I thought.
“Esme hadn't known anything about his relationship with Elizabeth. Elizabeth was young and had little to no money. She had used all she had on school. Carlisle told Esme about Elizabeth and the pregnancy and Esme took it surprisingly well. My mom and dad knew that dad was destined for greatness. He had been offered a great job in Atlanta when his residency was completed and knew that he would advance quickly. He didn't want to leave me behind. He wanted to raise me. Elizabeth knew she couldn't support me on her own. So, they made a deal. If Elizabeth agreed to keep quiet about their affair and to let Esme and Carlisle raise me as their child, they would send her a substantial amount of money each month.” I looked down at my hands as my eyes began to tear up at the thought of my mother basically selling me to my father. I knew she thought it was best for me but it still fucks with my head sometimes.
“Edward, it's okay. You don't have to tell me the rest.” She said lightly.
“No, I want to finish. I want you to know.” I looked back into her beautiful eyes. “When I was a few months old my mom and dad moved back to Georgia and away from Elizabeth. Elizabeth told the few people she knew that she had decided to give me up for adoption since she couldn't support me on her own. None of my family down here ever knew that Esme wasn't my mother. They continued to send Elizabeth a monthly check and pictures of me up until their death. When they died, I had to sort through all of their financial documents and wills. That's when I saw the bank statements and cleared checks with her name on them. I couldn't believe it when I first saw it. I had no idea who Elizabeth Masen was and why they would be sending her all that money. I did some research and found out where she lived. I called her and asked her about the money and my family. She told me about everything and I was completely stunned. I had a birth mother that I knew absolutely nothing about. She invited me to come see her and get to know her. When I got there she told me that she had saved fourteen years of the money for me. She hoped that I would find her one day and if not she had planned to leave it to me in her will. When I met her she had just been diagnosed with cervical cancer. I couldn't believe that I had just met her and was about to lose her also. I decided to stay with her and get to know all of her that I could.” I stopped again. Bella never faltered. She never interrupted me and let me tell this story at my own pace.
I took a deep breath and started again. “She told me all about her and how after she had finally gotten on her feet she didn't feel right using the money from my father and that's why she saved it for me. She never married or had any kids. She never felt like she deserved any more kids after she had let me go. She died a few months before I moved here. I didn't feel the need to stay there after she was gone. It was time to come back home. So that is where I've gotten my money from. Part of it was left from my parent's life insurance policies and the rest of it was what my mother had saved for me. It all added up to be about three million dollars. I took some of it to live off of and put the rest in to investments. Now, you know everything. No secrets.”
“Edward, thank you for telling me. I can't explain how much it means to me that you would trust me with this.”
“Bella, I just wanted you to know everything about me and how much you mean to me.” I said as I continued to gaze into her eyes. She took my face in her hands and pulled herself closer to my face. She licked her lips and closed her eyes and I closed the distance between our lips. I finally felt the warm gentle caress of her lips against mine. It felt so perfect. Our lips moved together and I felt her tongue slide against my lips.
I couldn't believe she was the one advancing our kiss. I was amazed in a good way. My heart swelled at the thought of her wanting me like I want her. I opened my mouth and allowed our tongues to dance together. The taste of her was so sweet and it was something I wanted to taste all day everyday.
We continued our kiss until we could no longer breath. She released my mouth and I pressed my forehead against hers as I panted. “Bella..... thank you.” I whispered.
“You don't have to thank me for doing what I wanted to do.” She replied.
My heart continued to grow with everything she said. I didn't think it was possible to love her anymore than I already did but she was proving me wrong.
I lifted my head from hers and looked into her eyes. “Bella. We should eat before it gets too cold.”
She chuckled a little. “I forgot all about the food. I guess we should eat. It looks so good.”
I moved my plate over to where I was now sitting. I opened the champagne and poured us both a glass. I held up my glass to her and started to talk. “To second chances and new beginnings.” She smiled as she clinked her glass against mine.
We took a sip of the champagne and began to cut into the salmon. I didn't even want to take my eyes off of her to cut my food. I felt like I hadn't seen her in years and I didn't want to look at fish. I wanted to look at the beautiful, forgiving woman in front of me. I managed to eat a few bites of the food but finally gave up. I sat my fork down next to my plate. I sat back in my chair and watched her take a bite of her food.
She smiled shyly and said “What are you doing, Edward? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I took looking at you for granted and I promise not to ever again. Finish eating. I just want to look at you.” I said as I grasped my glass and took a sip of the champagne.
She swallowed her food and licked her lips. She turned in her seat to face me. “Edward, tonight has been so amazing. I had no idea that you had it in you to do all of this. Thank you.”
I sat my glass down and reached for her hands. She placed her hands inside of mine and I looked into her eyes. “Bella, you are more than welcome. The night isn't over yet, though. This is just the half time show.” I leaned in to her to kiss her lips again. I couldn't get enough of her.
“Edward” she started. “Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything.”
“When did you get all of the gifts? You didn't have time after you texted me to set everything up and buy all the gifts.”
I looked at her for a second. It was a good question. It was true, I hadn't had time to do all of it.
“Bella, I've been collecting these things ever since I met you. I was just waiting on the right time to give them all to you. There was never an appropriate time until now. The last one I bought just a few days ago, the key. I saw it and knew that if you ever gave me a second chance, that I would give it to you.”
Her eyes started to become glassy again. “Edward, they are all so special. I can't believe you never gave up.”
Could she really think that I would just give up on her?
“I would never give up on you or us. I told you before, I've never felt this way about anyone and I wasn't going to let you go so easily. I love you, Bella.” I said sincerely as I took her face in my hands.
A few tears escaped her eyes and she sighed. “Edward I'm so sorry. I've not been the same since we've been apart. I didn't realize how much I loved you until you weren't there.”
“Bella, don't apologize to me. I was the one that lied to you. I'm the one that's sorry.”
“You don't have to apologize anymore. I know that you are sorry and I know that you love me. It's time to move forward. We can't dwell on the past.”
She was completely right and I was happy that she understood me. I leaned into her for another kiss. I pressed my lips against her and her hands went to my neck. I could feel the urgency between our lips. I slid my tongue against her lips and deepened our kiss. Our tongues danced and swirled around each other in perfect harmony. This woman was everything I could ever dream of having.
We finally broke our kiss after what seemed like hours. I pulled back and looked in to her eyes.
“Fuck the food.” She said simply.
I chuckled a little. “I couldn't agree more.”
We stood up together and I took her hand again. I led her over to the bed and turned around to face her. She looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and lifted up on her toes to kiss me. I met her halfway and pressed my lips to hers. I grabbed her waist as she weaved her fingers into the hair at the nape of my neck. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist, never breaking our kiss.
I sat down on the bed, still holding her against my waist. We continued to kiss as I felt her hands grasp the hem of my shirt and begin to pull. I hadn't imagined having sex with her tonight. I definitely wasn't going to argue with her about it though. I released her waist and lips long enough to allow her to lift my shirt. I didn't want to break our kiss again so, I went ahead and removed her shirt.
Our lips immediately found each other again. It was like they were magnets drawn to each other. I reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. It fell from her arms and I could feel her breasts pressed against my chest. The skin to skin contact was almost too much to bear. My erection felt like it would explode at any second. I had been without her for so long.
I lifted us from the bed and turned around. I laid her on the bed and continued to assault her mouth with mine. My hands grasped the button on her jeans and quickly unbuttoned them and the zipper. I grabbed the sides of her jeans and gently pulled them down and off of her. She opened her legs again to allow me to rest in between them. As I lowered myself back on top of her I felt her hands go to the button on my jeans. She removed them as quickly as I had removed hers.
Once they were gone, I finally situated myself on top of her. It felt so right to have her legs wrapped around my waist. The only thing separating us now was our underwear. I couldn't control myself with her as I began to grind my hips against her center. I wanted her so badly.
I felt her hands on the waistband of my boxers as she began to slide them off. I allowed her to slide them off of me and I quickly went to remove her panties. There were no barriers now.
I pulled back from our kiss and looked into her eyes as I stroked her cheek. Her eyes looked so warm and open. I could feel her warm, sweet breath against my face. I could feel the rhythm of her heartbeat against my chest. This was where I belonged. We were made for each other.
“You know we don't have to do this tonight. I love you and I will wait.”
She shook her head at me. “No. I don't want to wait anymore. Being with you is what I want. Don't make me wait. Please.” It almost sounded like she was pleading with me. She didn't have to plead. I just didn't want her to feel pressured.
“Your wish is my command.” I replied simply before pressing my lips to hers.
Bella POV
I could feel his erection pressed against my entrance and I just wanted him inside of me. I wanted to feel all of him. Our kiss continued and I grabbed his butt with my hands and pulled him into me. His cock slid inside of me with ease.
This was where I belonged. How did I not see it before? How did I not see that I was with the wrong person? How did I think I could deny myself this amazing man?
Being with him was so right and made me feel so complete. My body had been aching for him and I knew that it wouldn't take me long to reach my orgasm. He slid in and out of me in a wonderful rhythm. I was so close.
He wouldn't release my lips from his assault long enough for me to tell him I was about to come. All I could do was murmur it into his mouth. He pulled back from my mouth just as my orgasm began to over take my body.
My whole body began to writhe and shake underneath him. “Edward...... oh......God......Edward!” I shouted. I opened my eyes to see him gazing at me like he usually did.
“You are more beautiful every time you come.” He said before he began to kiss my lips again. He continued his rhythm for a little longer until I could feel his body begin to tense up.
A few more strokes and I felt his body go rigid.
He finally rested on top of me as he panted. I stroked his hair and looked into his eyes.
“That gets more amazing every time.” He whispered into my ear.
“I know.” I said before I lightly kissed his lips.
He rolled over on to the bed and continued to gaze into my eyes. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to leave the bubble we had created. Everything was so perfect. We laid still for a few moments. I was relishing in every moment.
He finally got up and went into the bathroom. I followed behind him and found him standing at the sink. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I didn't want to ever let him go.
“What are you doing in here?” He asked. I was confused. I had to clean up. “You know you are supposed to let me come and clean you up.”
I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. “I forgot. I missed you.”
He turned around to face me and lifted me up. He swung me around and sat me on the vanity. He pressed his lips against mine once more. I could never tire of tasting this man.
He wet the rag with warm water and proceeded to wash me off before he washed himself off. I watched him clean himself off like a little girl watches her father shave. Nothing but love and adoration in my eyes.
Once he was completely clean, he situated himself in between my legs as he rubbed my thighs.
“Bella, I have a request.” He asked timidly.
I would give him anything. He didn't need to be apprehensive about asking me.
“Anything.” I replied.
“I don't want to live without you anymore. I want to be with you every day. I don't want to share you. I love you too much to share. Will you leave Emmett? Will you stay with me?” He asked as his eyes dropped to his hands.
I placed my hands on the sides of his face and lifted it to look at me. “You don't even have to ask. I was already going to leave him. I am all yours. You don't have to share any longer.”
His face lit up as he smiled. It was the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face. He pulled me into him and kissed my lips.
“That's the best news I've ever heard. Thank you.”
“You don't have to thank me.”
“Let's get out of the bathroom.” He said as he grasped my waist and lifted me off of the vanity. He carried me into the bedroom and laid me down on the bed.
He laid next to me and we simply laid there gazing at each other, as if this was all new. I had forgotten all about Em until he mentioned him. I knew that after the stunt Em pulled and after tonight, there was no way I could go back to him.
“I don't know how to end it with Em.” I started. “I can't tell him about us. It will only cause more drama and pain. I'm sure he's cheating on me. What should I do?”
He stroked my cheek before he answered. “Don't tell him about us, you're right. Just tell him that you know he's cheating on you and that you don't want to be with him anymore.”
It all sounded so simple but I knew it was definitely not going to be easy. “I hope it will be that easy. I don't have anywhere to live though. The house was his first. I'm gonna have to find a new place. That's gonna be fun.” I said sarcastically.
“Bella, don't worry about a place to live. This house is too big for me. You can stay here with me. Didn't you just hear me ask you to stay with me?”
“I did hear you but I didn't think you meant for me to stay in your house with you. I don't know about that.” I wasn't sure that I was ready to move in with him yet.
“Bella, what is there to not know? I love you and you love me. I don't want to be without you any more. It would be my honor to have you live with me.” He sounded so sure of himself and what he was asking me to do.
“I'll think about it. Is that okay?” I asked him.
There was small bit of disappointment in his eyes. “It's okay. I understand. Just please know that I want you here, always.” He said as he leaned in to press his lips to mine, again.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Chapter 24- Teaser
I froze right in the middle of throwing clothes into my suitcases. I didn't even want to look at him. I didn't want to see his face and see his anger. I quit breathing and I swear my heart stopped.
“Bella! What the hell are you doing?” I heard as he walked over to me and grabbed my wrists. I dropped ind the clothes in my hands and the fell to the floor.
Fuck fuck fuck!
“Bella, why are you packing everything up? What's going on? Fucking talk to me!” He shouted at me.
I finally brought my head up and looked at his face. His eyes were wide and his brows were scrunched. His mouth was in a tight straight line. His hands were squeezing my wrists so hard that I lost the blood flow to them. If looks could kill then I would have been dead.
“Em, let go of me.” I said harshly. Today was definitely not going to be as easy as Edward thought.
“Fine.” He said as he released my wrists. “Tell me what is going on. Are you leaving me?” He asked with a confused look on his face.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Chapter 24- Already Gone

Chapter 24- Already Gone. (Bella POV)
I awoke feeling fully refreshed and like today was the first day of a new life. I was still encompassed in Edward's strong arms. We were laying with our limbs completely entwined with one anthers'. His right arm was under my neck and his left arm was resting around my stomach. My arms were wrapped around his waist and my face was nuzzled against his chest. My right leg was draped across his hips as his left leg sat in between my legs.
I inhaled a deep breath, wondering if he smelled as good in the morning as he did when we went to bed. He did. I placed a light kiss against the center of his chest before pulling my head back and looking at his beautiful face.
He looked so peaceful in his slumber. I could feel his breath on my face as he exhaled. This was how I wanted to wake up everyday. I wanted to be able to look at his face and feel his arms wrapped around me every morning. This was where I belonged, with him.
I didn't want to wake him, so I sat there a while longer and rubbed his back while he slept. My mind was still reeling from last night. I, honestly, felt like I was in a dream. I had never imagined that anything like that would happen to me.
It wasn't about the gifts, although they were beautiful. It was about the thoughts behind them. The fact that he had been buying things that reminded him of me, not knowing if he would ever actually be able to give them to me.
I still couldn't process everything he had confessed to me about his family. I felt honored and privileged that he trusted me with that information when no one in his family knew. I couldn't imagine how hard it was for him to lose both of his parents and then to find out such a huge secret and not be able to tell anyone. He was brave for moving to Chicago to meet Elizabeth and to get to know her. I can't imagine spending five years with her and then to have her die too.
No wonder he hadn't opened his heart to a woman, everyone one he truly loved in his life had died. It made me grateful that I was the one he chose to open his heart to. I would make sure that he knew just how much a woman could love him and how happy two people can be.
We just had one gigantic hurdle to get over before we could start our new life. Emmett was that hurdle. Edward made it seem like breaking up with Em was going to be simple. Like I could just walk in the house, pack up my shit and say “Em, I'm leaving. Have a nice life.” Like there would be no questions or arguing. Did he not know how Em is?
I wanted to end it right. I wanted Em to know that I love him. I'm just not in love with him anymore. It's not even about the fact that both of us cheated on each other. Although, that only solidified that the relationship was definitely over. It was about the fact that we were more like roommates that occasionally had sex with each other.
I found the person that is right for me and I know there is some one out there that is right for him. Maybe that's who he is cheating with. Maybe she is making him see that he is with the wrong person.
I only hoped that he was in some way planning to end the relationship too. That we could in some way be civilized to each other and not make too big of a scene.
I felt Edward's warm lips against my forehead and was brought out of my thoughts.
“Mmm. Good Morning, Love.” He whispered against my skin.
“Good morning it is.” I replied as I tilted my face up to press my lips against his.
“Did you sleep well?” He asked as he gazed in my eyes and ran his fingers through my hair.
“Well doesn't describe it. It's more like amazing.” I saw a huge beautiful smile form across his face. Would looking at him ever get old? Would I ever get tired of him kissing me? I can't ever imagine when I would.
“I know. I love waking up with you in my arms. I've waited so long for this moment. I don't want to move one inch.” His thumb was rubbing light circles on my cheek as he pressed his lips to mine was again.
In all of my mornings with Em, none of them had ever been this enjoyable. This was new territory and I was loving it.
We laid in bed for a while simply kissing, rubbing and looking at each other. It was as if we were both trying to make that moment last. Neither one of us wanted to leave the little world we had created in his bed.
“Are you hungry?” He asked.
“Then let's go downstairs and get some breakfast.” He said before pressing one more kiss against my lips.
“Okay. Let's go.”
We both got up and put our underwear on. He slid on some jogging pants and his house shoes. I realized that I didn't have anything other than the clothes I wore over here. I stood there in my underwear watching him move around the room. Watching the muscles in back contract. His beautiful body always amazed me.
I guess I kind of zoned out because I hadn't even realized he was talking to me.
“Bella, hello?” I heard faintly.
“Oh, what? I'm sorry.” I managed to spit out as I snapped out of my trance.
He chuckled a little. “I asked you if you wanted a shirt or a pair of my boxer shorts to put on?”
“Oh, that would be great.” I reached down to grab my bra and put it on.
He turned around from his dresser with a t-shirt in his hands. “No no no.”
I looked at him questioningly. “No, what?”
“No bra. Not this morning. Please.” As he walked over to me and handed me the shirt.
I let my bra fall from my hand down to the floor. “Okay. If you say so.” I said jokingly.
I put the shirt on and saw that there were no shorts in his hands. “Where are the shorts? Or do you want me to walk around in this shirt and my thongs all morning?” I said sarcastically.
“Shirt and thongs.” He said simply as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. My arms went up and around his neck as he kissed me. His lips felt so perfect and the way our lips moved with each other was like they were made for each other.
I felt his tongue slide against my lips and his hands slide down to cup my ass and pull me up. I opened my mouth to him and felt his warm smooth tongue press and circle my own.
After a few moments I felt him pull his mouth away. “Let's go downstairs before we get distracted.” He said laughingly. He was right, though. I wasn't sure how long I could kiss him with him gripping my ass and not want to rip his clothes off.
He released the rest of my body and took my hand as he turned around to walk out of the room. I held onto his hand as we walked into the hallway. I noticed that all of the candles were still there. I knew he had gone to blow out the candles last night after our second round of love making. We didn't want to burn the house down just because we were encompassed in our love bubble. Seeing all the candles and rose petals brought back all of the emotions from last night and reminded me just how much this man loves me.
I followed behind him until we reached the kitchen. He walked to the sink and began to wash his hands while I went to the refrigerator to gather the ingredients for our breakfast. I was reaching inside of the refrigerator to grab the eggs when I heard Edward begin to speak.
“Bella, what are you doing?”
“I'm getting the eggs. Why?” I grabbed the egg carton and shut the door. I turned around to find him walking towards me with his hands out.
He shook his head and laughed as he took the carton from my hands. “Haven't you learned anything yet? I'm doing the cooking. Have a seat, please?” He said in a sweet tone.
“Ummm, okay. Well can I at least make the coffee? I don't want to sit here and do nothing.”
“If you must.” He said with a small chuckle.
I started the coffee and he began cracking the eggs and making our omelets. Once he was finished we sat at the island and ate the food in silence.
We didn't always need to fill the silence with words. That was part of the glorious nature of our relationship. I was content with simply looking at him.
“I don't want to do this today.” I said in almost a whisper.
“Do what today?” He asked as he looked at me confused. Did he forget so quickly that I have to end this with Em?
“You know what I have to do today, Edward. I have to break up with Em.” I said as I grabbed our dishes and put them in the sink.
“Oh. I guess I forgot. You know you don't have to go today. You can stay here with me and go tomorrow. Or better yet, you never have to go. We can buy you new clothes and anything that you need.” As he turned on the stool to look at me.
I walked in between his legs and wrapped my arms around his neck. I placed a small kiss on his lips. “I have to go at some point. It's not about the clothes. After all these years I can't just disappear. He deserves for me to at least end it in person. And the longer I put it off the harder it's going to be. I need to just get it over with. That way we can move on.”
“Okay.” He simply replied as he rubbed my lower back.
“I should go take a shower and get dressed. Get this over with already.” I turned to walk up the stairs to his bedroom.
I made my way to the bathroom attached to his bedroom and found the towels. I started the shower and began to undress. My stomach was in knots thinking about what I was going to have to do shortly. I had no idea what I would say to him or how he would react. I didn't want him to hate me once it was over. We had been together too long for us to hate each other. Not that I thought we could be friends but I hoped one day we could at least be around each other without him giving me evil looks.
I stepped in the warm spray and felt the water rush over my skin. I was slowly relaxing in the steam and water. My muscles becoming less tense with each minute. I was only in the shower for about five minutes when I heard the bathroom door open.
I looked to the door of the shower and saw Edward's head pop in. “Do you want some company?” He asked with a sly smile on his face.
“You are relentless. You know that? You do know that if you get in here with me, nothing will get washed and I'll never actually get the nerve up to leave?” I asked him as I reached for the wash cloth.
“I don't see the downside in that scenario. How about I just wash you off. No sex. I promise.” As he gave me his puppy god eyes.
“Fine but I can't promise I won't touch you.” I said to him as he closed the door to the shower and removed his pants. He quickly stepped back in the shower and I could see his perfect form and clear erection. No sex but your dick is already hard? Right.
He took the washcloth from me and squeezed some body wash on to it. He then sat on the bench in the back of the shower and began to wash the front of my body. I allowed my head to fall back and just relish in the feeling of having this man take such care of me.
“Turn.” He commanded. I turned around let the spray wash the soap off of me as he washed my backside. I was getting so turned on. I could feel myself begin to get wet.
Then I felt him push the wash cloth in between my legs and rub my center. I almost collapsed.
I then felt his hands begin to rub up and down my thighs. He knew what he was doing. He knew I wouldn't be able to take it. The water, the heat, the sensations of him washing me was making it too hard to deny him.
I turned around to face him and his hands went to my stomach. His mouth instantly found my right breast and he began to suck my nipple. I was going to explode without him actually penetrating me.
He continued for a while before I felt him drop to his knees and lift my right leg over his shoulder. I felt his tongue slide inside the folds of my pussy. He felt so good. Everything this man did to me was amazing.
“Edward..... I'm not..... gonna.... last....shit!” I panted as I tried to find something to grab a hold of to balance myself on.
“You don't have to. It's all about you.” He said before he dove back in to me.
That was all I needed to quit fighting my orgasm. I relaxed and let it overtake me. I felt the warmth rush through my body and my muscles clinched and twitched. “Oh God...... Edward.... Edward....Fuck!”
He placed one last kiss on my clit before he stood up. “Now that's a good breakfast.” He said as he kissed my lips.
“You are crazy.”
I switched places with him in the shower and stepped out. I dried off and put on the clothes from the day before. As I was putting on my sneakers I saw him step out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel draped around his waist.
I walked over to him and kissed him one last time. “I have to go. I will call you when I'm done.”
“Okay. Bella, please believe me when I say that I want you here with me, always. I'm dead serious. I want to share everyday with you. I love you and if you need me while you are there, just call and I'll be right there. And I know you are probably going to be upset afterward, so I want you to come here. Let me take care of you.” He said as he pulled me in for a hug.
“I love you too and I believe you. I'll call you soon.” I took one last look in his eyes and released him. I turned to walk away. I couldn't look back or I would never leave.
I grabbed my purse from the couch and walked out to my car. I started the engine and put the car in reverse. I started my iPod and tried to find some light music that would ease my mood a little. I needed to relax and quit being so nervous. This was going to have to happen and it would be easier if I could think clearly.
I finally reached the house and saw Em's car in the driveway. I pulled next to it and cut off the engine. I sat in the car for a few moments taking deep breaths. It's now or never. Just do it and get it over with. You can do this. You have to do this.
I opened the car door and stepped out. I shut the door behind me and walked to front door of the house. My heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to explode. I was not as ready for this as I thought. I turned the knob and walked in. Em wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. I walked towards the bedroom and heard the radio playing. He's in the shower. Damn.
I walked to the closet and grabbed my suitcase. I started grabbing some clothes and shoes and stuffing anything I could into the suitcase. I heard the water cut off and I knew he would be out here soon and the war would begin. I continued throwing things into the suitcase. I was getting more frantic and nervous by the moment. My stomach was twisted into so many knots that I felt like I was going to be sick.
I finally heard the door open. After a few seconds, I heard Em say “What the fuck?” Then I saw him standing in the doorway of the closet. Fuck! This is it. This is the beginning of hell.
I froze right in the middle of throwing clothes into my suitcases. I didn't even want to look at him. I didn't want to see his face and see his anger. I quit breathing and I swear my heart stopped.
“Bella! What the hell are you doing?” I heard him say as he walked over to me and grabbed my wrists. The force from him squeezing my wrists made me drop the clothes and they fell to the floor.
Fuck fuck fuck!
“Bella, why are you packing everything up? What's going on? Fucking talk to me!” He shouted at me.
I finally brought my head up and looked at his face. His eyes were wide and his brows were scrunched. His mouth was in a tight straight line. His hands were squeezing my wrists so hard that I lost the blood flow to them. If looks could kill then I would have been dead.
“Em, let go of me.” I said harshly. Today was definitely not going to be as easy as Edward thought.
“Fine.” He said as he released my wrists. “Tell me what is going on. Are you leaving me?” He asked with a hurt and confused look on his face.
“Fine. Let's talk. Get dressed first. I'll meet you in the living room.” I said as I walked around him and out of the bedroom.
“Uhh. Okay.” I heard him say under his breath.
I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. My mind was racing. I had no idea how to start this conversation. He was already pissed and confused. Could he really not see it coming? Was he really that oblivious to everything? Did he think our relationship was working the way it was?
After a minute, he walked into the living room in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He walked over and sat in the chair across from me. I stared at him for a few moments trying to figure out what to say to him.
“Bella, just tell me. Are you leaving me? Just be honest.” All the anger was gone from his face. He now looked sincere and concerned.
I took a deep breath before I started. “Yes, Em. I'm leaving. I'm sorry.” I said quietly as the tears began to fall down my cheeks. I knew my emotions would get out of control.
“You know why. Em....” I said as I looked down at my hands and wiped away the tears. “I love you but I love you like a brother. I feel like we are room mates that occasionally have sex. We just can't go on like this anymore.”
“Bella, we can get it back. I know we can. Don't leave. Please. I love you. I wanna be with you. Please don't leave me.” He was pleading and his voice sounded so broken. In all the time I've spent with him, I've never heard his voice sound like this.
I was, surprisingly, pissed by what he said. “Em, we've tried to get it back. How much can you want us or me when you don't even come home at night? You stood me up on a date that you planned! I've never stood you up and I've never ever stayed out all night. It was unacceptable and you know it!” I shouted at him harshly. I wasn't trying to place blame on either of us. We both screwed up royally and we were both to blame for ruining our relationship.
“I explained all of that to you. I'm sorry. I do want us. I want you.” I looked up to see his face and he looked as if he was about to cry and it broke my heart. Looking at him made my tears fall even harder.
“Em, it's just over. You know it and I know it. We've just been hanging on because we've been together for so long. I can't do that anymore. It's time we go our separate ways and find the person that's right for us. I'm sorry.” I stated as I got up from the couch and walked over to him. I bent down in front of him and placed my hands on the sides of his face. I placed a light kiss on his forehead. “I'm sorry.” I turned and walked toward the bedroom. My tears were still flowing, my breathing was all over the place, I was a mess. I hated doing this, but I knew it was for the best, I was in love with someone else. I needed to do this for both of us, do what was best for me.
I went into the closet and continued packing my things. I wanted to get the majority of my clothes so that I wouldn't have to come back anytime soon. I could come back when he was gone and get my furniture.
I was almost done when I heard Em walk into the room. I looked over to him. “Bella, I don't want you to leave but if you have to then you have to. I don't know what I'm gonna do without you.”
“Em, you are a grown man, you will be fine. I know there is someone out there that is more right for you then I am. I'm sorry but I promise one day you will thank me for letting you go.”
It was true. Em wasn't a bad guy. He just wasn't the right guy for me. It was time we both moved on in our lives.
I closed my suitcases and wiped the tears from my eyes. I had gathered all I could manage and it was time to finally walk out the door. I had to find the strength to take the final step and walk out of the door. I grabbed the suitcases and started to roll them towards the door. I passed Em and started to cry again.
I made my way to the front door and opened it. I put the suitcases on the porch and turned around to take one last look at the house. I was met with Em's face instead.
“I.....I.... guess this is it.” I stammered. I was unsure of what to say to him at this point. What could I say? He looked so hurt and I doubt there was anything I could say to make him feel better.
“I guess so.” He said softly. His eyes were glassy and his face was filled with so much hurt.
“Bye, Em.” I said somberly as I looked his face one last time and broke into tears, again.
“Bye.” He whispered.
I turned and walked out of the door. I grabbed my suitcases and rolled them out to the car. As I opened the trunk to load the suitcases, I looked at the front door and saw Em still standing there looking at me in a daze. I felt so bad for what I had just done but I was thankful he didn't know about Edward. It seemed as if he was hurt enough by me leaving; I didn't need to add insult to injury.
I finished loading the car and got in and shut the door. I started the engine and backed out of the driveway. As soon as I was out of the driveway, I lost it. I began sobbing so hard that I could barely breathe. I wasn't crying for myself. I was crying because of what I had just done. I was crying because the man I had spent the last few years with was no longer a part of my life.
I pulled over on the side of the road to call Edward.
“Bella, are you okay?” Edward answered.
I couldn't even respond. I just kept sobbing into the phone. I didn't know where I was going. I knew Edward wanted me to come there but I still wasn't sure about it. At this point, it was either a hotel or Edward's. I thought the decision would be clear but it wasn't. I wasn't sure if was ready to live with another man so soon. But this isn't just any man, it's my Edward. The Edward that had opened his entire world to me.
I had a tough decision to make. Where do I go now?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Chapter 25- I Will Be

Chapter 25- I Will Be
(Bella POV)“Bella? Bella? Please answer me. Are you okay?” His voice was full of worry but I couldn't manage to actually produce words. All I could do was sob. “Bella, say something. Anything. Where are you? I'll come get you?”
I never imagined that I was going to be this emotional about leaving Em. I knew it was coming and I was the one that had made the decision to end it but it clearly wasn't making it any easier. I felt like such an idiot. I was sobbing like a five year old, in my car on the side of the road. Could I not be an adult and control my emotions?
“Bella? Where are you?”
“I....I....” I stuttered. I didn't want to seem this weak. I wanted to be strong and handle all of this like a real woman would.
“I …. I am on the side of the road. You don't have to come get me. I...I...I'll be fine. Just talk to me. Please.” I took a few deep breaths and tried to regain my composure.
“Thank God. I didn't know what had happened to you. Are you sure you don't want me to come get you?”
I ran my hand through my hair and leaned my head back against the headrest. “No. I'll be okay to drive. It was harder than I thought it would be.”
“I'm sorry Bella. I'm sorry you had to go alone. I've been so worried about you. He didn't do anything bad to you, did he?” He questioned. I could tell he was only concerned about my well being.
“No, he didn't. It was just hard to tell someone goodbye that you've spent everyday with for the past few years. At least it's over with. Now we can move forward.”
“I know it was hard, Baby. I love you.” The smooth sound of his voice never seemed to get old.
“I love you too. I guess I need to start driving and get off the side of the road.” I said as I lifted my head up and grasped the steering wheel.
“Are you sure you're safe to drive?”
“Yeah, I'm okay now. I'm just not sure where I'm going to be driving to.” I know he wanted me to come there but I just wasn't sure yet. I didn't want Edward to be the rebound guy. I wanted to make sure that I was ready to fully be with another man. He seemed so sure that everything would work out with us. I wasn't sure how he could be so certain. Did he know something I didn't?
“Bella, what are you talking about? I thought you were going to come here?” He sounded hurt.
I sighed to myself. “I'm just not sure Edward. I don't want to mess things up with us just because I don't have a place to go right now. I'm sure I can call Alice and stay with her for a while.” I knew where I wanted to be but I just wanted to make the right decision.
“You don't need to go to Alice's. She's going to want to know what happened and do you really want to tell her the whole story so soon? Please just come here. If you don't want to stay here we can figure something out. Please.”
He was right. I loved Alice but she would surely want to know the details and I wasn't ready to tell that story yet.
“I'll just go to a hotel for a few days then.” I tried to negotiate with him.
“Bella, please quit being so stubborn. Just come here for now and we can talk about this later.”
I put the car in drive and pulled back on to the road.
“Okay. You win. I'll be there soon.”
“Thank you. Please be careful. I love you.” He was so open with his feelings now and it almost made me melt every time he said those words.
“I will be. I love you too.” I said as I shut my phone.
I drove to Edward's and my mind was boggled the whole time. I was thinking about Em and how hurt he looked when I left. I was thinking about how in the hell I was going to explain this to everyone. I was thinking about what things would be like if I decided to live with Edward. I wasn't worried about what everyone else would think but I didn't want Edward to think I was only with him because it was convenient.
I've never felt for anyone the way I feel for Edward. He deserved to know it and feel it. He had made me feel so special and he deserved to feel the same way.
I pulled into Edward's driveway and saw the garage door open and him standing behind it. The closer I got to the garage the more I could see just how concerned he was for me. He looked like he couldn't get to me soon enough. I wanted to forget the car and jump out into his arms. I wanted to have his strong arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe. I didn't want to cry about Em anymore. I wanted to move past it and be happy with Edward.
I pulled into the garage and before I could put the car in park, Edward was opening my door.
“Bella, I've missed you so much.” He said as he bent down to reach for my face. “I'm so happy you are here.”
I was taken aback from just how concerned he was. I couldn't believe that he loved me that much. I released the steering wheel from my grip and looked at his face. I managed to hold back the tears but I'm sure my face was showing my sadness and apprehension.
He leaned in and kissed my forehead lightly. I couldn't manage to actually produce any words even though my mind was screaming 'I love you. Please hold me.'
He looked deep into my eyes, searching for the answer to a question I knew was coming.
“Bella, are you alright?”
“I will be.” I said simply as I looked into his eyes.
“Let's get you in the house where I can take care of you, properly.” He said before he scooped me up and carried me into the house. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my nose into his chest. I wanted to inhale his delicious scent. I wanted to hear his calming heart beat. His encompassing love was my home and I wanted to be wherever he was. I knew then that I didn't care what anyone else would think about our relationship, when we finally revealed it. All that matters is us and our love.
He carried me to his bedroom and laid me on the bed. I was fighting extremely hard to contain my emotions and hold back the tears. I just felt like I needed to get them all out before I could truly move on. My eyes were closed when I felt Edward lean down and lightly kiss my cheek before whispering in my ear. “I love you, Bella. Just try to relax while I pamper you.”
The past twenty four hours had been so amazing and I could only imagine what he had in store as far as pampering me.
I felt him pull off my sneakers and socks. He moistened his hands with some lotion and began to massage my feet. A small moan escaped from my lips as I started to to relax. His hands were like magic as he pressed his thumbs into the soles of my feet.
He then pushed up the legs of my jeans and began to massage my calves. I couldn't believe how relaxed I was becoming. I wasn't sure if my love for this man was overwhelming me or if it was honestly the massage.
He stopped for a second before reaching up and unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them down. I allowed him to pull them down without hesitation. I would let this man do anything he wanted to me.
He slowly and methodically massaged my thighs. He came closer and closer to my center with each pass of his hands and I thought I was going to explode. I wasn't even thinking about sex at first but I couldn't control myself when he was being so loving and his hands were so close to my center.
He lifted up and brought his mouth to my ear. “Bella, Do you trust me?”
Did he really have to ask? “Yes, Edward, I do.”
“I'm happy to hear that. I'm not done pampering you. Stay in the zone, baby.” He said as he cradled me and lifted me up into his arms.
He carried me into his bathroom and sat me on the vanity before pressing a light sensual kiss on my lips. He turned around and started the water in his garden tub. He dropped in a scoop of the bath salts. What man has bath salts? Oh well, I don't care. He tested the temperature of the water before turning back around to me.
He gazed into my eyes and pressed his lips against mine, once again. Thoughts of Em were slowly drifting from my mind. Every second I spent with Edward confirmed that I had made the right decision.
He grasped the hem of my shirt and slowly pulled it over my head. He reached around and opened the clasp of my bra; releasing my breasts as my bra fell off my shoulders. I could feel the steam from the hot water begin to settle in my muscles and release some of the tension.
He slid his fingers down the sides of my panties and began to pull them down. I raised my butt off of the counter so he could remove them without any problems. He, once again, scooped me up and sat me down inside the warm relaxing water.
I allowed my head to fall back as Edward lit a few candles and turned off the lights. I closed my eyes and the water wash away all of stress from the day. I couldn't dwell on the past. It was time for the future.
I felt Edward's hands on me as he began to knead the muscles in my neck and shoulders. This was truly heaven on Earth and I wasn't sure I would ever want to leave this bathroom. I'd never had any man do the things Edward had done in the last day. He was amazing me more and more every minute. I didn't know what I did to deserve this man but I was certain I wasn't going to let him go.
I drifted to sleep for a minute while I was still in the tub before I felt Edward press his warm lips against my temple.
“Love, it's time to get out. The water is getting cold.”
“Okay.” I said as I stood up. Edward held out a towel to wrap around me. The best part wasn't the towel being wrapped around me, it was having Edward's arms wrapped around me. I would never tire of him. It felt like we were made for each other.
I fell asleep in his arms that night. I honestly couldn't bring myself to let him go.
I awoke the next day and felt like a new woman. Today would be the first day of the rest of my life. My new life with Edward. I looked at the peaceful, beautiful, sleeping man that laid next to me. I softly stroked his cheek with my hand. I just needed to feel him.
I continued to watch him sleep. He deserved his rest. He had put my needs before his own and taken care of me and shown me just how much he loved me.
We still had a lot of things to work out. When would we reveal our relationship to our friends and family? Would we tell everyone the truth? That we had been cheating liars or would we tell them that we started our relationship after I broke up with Em? I didn't want to lie to everyone or to hide but I just wanted to live in our perfect bubble for at least a couple more days.
I decided to get out of bed before he woke up. Sometime during the night he had managed to put one of his t shirts on me and a pair of his boxers. I made my way down stairs and into the garage to get my purse and at least my toothbrush and some clothes. As I walked back into the house, I reached for my phone inside of my purse. I needed to call into work. I was scheduled to work for the next few days but I knew there was no way I could make it. I told my boss that I had come down with a fever and couldn't make it in for my shift and would let her know when my fever was gone.
I ended the call and noticed I had a missed call from Alice. I listened to my voice mail as I say my bags down in the kitchen. I didn't want to assume he wanted my things in his room so I thought I would leave them here until he moved them where he wanted them.
Hey Bella. I miss you, a lot. I heard what happened with Emmett. I'm sorry. I'm here if you need me or just want to talk. Where are you anyway? I love you. Please call me.
I would call her soon but I just wasn't ready, yet. How did she know already? I hadn't told anyone. Em must be telling people. Great.
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and soon Edward was within my sight. The man looked amazing, even with his crazy and unruly hair.
“Good morning, Mr. Amazing.” I said as I reached my arms out for him.
“Mmm, Good morning to you, love.” He responded as he kissed my lips sweetly.
That morning Edward and I sat around the house and kissed and talked and then kissed some more. We decided to keep things our secret for a while longer. We made the decision that we would know when the time was right. I didn't want to avoid my friends for much longer, although I wasn't sure if I could even call Rose my friend anymore since I hadn't seen her in forever.
After that day we settled into a fairly regular routine. He convinced me stay, which wasn't hard. I wanted to stay more than I wanted to leave.
I would wake up in the morning and fix a pot of coffee. Before the coffee was ready, Edward would come down and fix a ridiculous breakfast for us. I would go to work and he would send me sweet little text messages throughout the day. He would often send flowers or candy to the hospital. He was continuously doing thoughtful things for me. I fell more in love with him everyday.
I would come home and cook dinner for us. He always had a glass of wine waiting for me when I walked in the door. We would fall asleep watching movies on the couch or just laying in bed and talking. It was amazing how easy it was for us to be together. He always seemed to anticipate my needs or desires, like he was reading my mind.
Alice continued to call and send messages and after talking to Edward about it, I finally agreed to meet her for lunch on the weekend. I couldn't avoid her forever and she deserved for me to at least talk to her. Although, I may not tell her everything she wants to know.
Last night, I came home to find out that Edward's Aunt Amanda had called to tell him that the family reunion was coming up the next weekend. I had only been to the reunion with Em once. I wasn't sure how I felt about going but Edward had said that he would only go if I felt comfortable. He didn't want to go without me although, he wanted to see his family.
It was a tough decision to make and it was one that I couldn't decide over night. I love Edward very much but I wasn't sure I was ready to flaunt it in front of his family.
“Oh my God, Bella!” I heard Alice squeal as I walked into the restaurant. I suddenly felt her small arms wrap around my neck.
I embraced her in a tight hug. “Hey Alice. It's so good to see you!” I hadn't realized how much I missed her until I saw her.
We continued our embrace until her tiny arms caused me to be unable to breathe. “Alice, I can't breathe.”
She giggled as she released me. “I'm sorry. I'm just so happy to see you.”
We both had ridiculously large smiles on our faces. She took my hand as she said “I have a table over here. Let's sit down and talk.”
We sat down and the waiter came over to get our order. We of course ordered two fish bowl margaritas. Hopefully, I wouldn't get drunk and spill everything I had been hiding. I wanted her to know the truth, just not all of it.
“So,” Alice began “Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah, ya know.” I said shrugging my shoulders. “It was hard at first but I have pretty much moved past it now.”
“That's great to hear. I thought it would take you a little longer to get over it but I guess it wasn't that traumatic since you broke up with him.”
If only she knew. “Yeah, I cried a lot at first. It was just the right thing to do. We were more friends than lovers. I felt like we were together for appearances, not for love.” As I took a sip from my drink.
“I understand. I know you left him the house. I was pretty shocked to hear that. Where are you living now?” She questioned.
“Well, I.....” I stammered. I wasn't sure of how to tell her I was with Edward. “I... I'm seeing someone and I've been staying with them lately.” I couldn't look at Alice in the face. I had to look down at the table. I didn't want to see the judgment in her face.
“Really?” She sounded surprised.
“Well, that was fast. Who is he? He must be pretty amazing for you to be spending so much time with him so soon.”
I looked up at her. There was no way I could tell her that it was Edward. I would warm her up to the idea of me being with someone and tell her how great he is and then after a while tell her who he is.
“I'd rather not tell you, just yet. Things are going so well with us that I don't want to jinx it.”
“Oh, I see. You are keeping secrets now, huh?” She responded with one eyebrow cocked.
“Not really. I just don't want to screw it up so soon.”
“Yeah yeah, blah blah blah. If you won't talk about your great new relationship, I'll talk about mine.”
“Okay, let me guess. Jasper is still amazing and you guys are better than ever?”
“Of course but the big thing is that I think he's going to ask me to marry him! I can't wait for him to ask me. It's like he's dragging it out.”
“That's great! I'm so happy for you. I can't wait for your fabulous wedding.”
She was pretty much jumping out of her seat with excitement. “I know! It's going to be the event of the season. I want you and Rose to be the bridesmaids.”
“I'd love to! Speaking of Rose, have you talked to her recently?”
“No, she's been kind of distant lately. She, like you, is dating some new guy that she won't tell me anything about. I'm getting really tired of you two keeping secrets from me.”
Rose was never one to hide any of her men. She loved to make people jealous with her handsome, rich men. I couldn't imagine why she was hiding this one and especially from Alice. Then again, I was keeping the same secret. Interesting.
The rest of the lunch continued in the same manner. Alice talking about wedding plans and I was daydreaming of Edward. After a couple hours, we said our goodbyes and went in separate directions. I loved Alice for not scolding me on how wrong it was to be staying with a man so soon. I only hoped she be as understanding when she found out it was Edward.
Once I was on my way home to Edward, there was a mixture of emotions inside of me. I was still worried about going the family reunion. I wanted to go because I knew how much he wanted to see his family and I wanted to be there for him like he was for me. I was curious about the secret man that Rose was seeing. I was excited to see Edward's handsome face when I got home.
This man had done so much for me and there was no way I could deny him a chance to see all of his family at one time. If he wanted to go as a couple, then I would go.
Friday, June 19, 2009
What Are We Gonna Do

Chapter 26- What Are We Gonna Do
(Bella POV)
I stood in the middle of the closet and stared at my clothes. What the fuck am I supposed to wear to a family reunion? Especially when I'm showing up with a different family member than I did last time? Ugh!
I dropped my head into my hands. I honestly had no idea how I was going to get through this even without looking like the family slut. No matter what story Edward and I decided to tell everyone, they would still think it was wrong for us to be together. I didn't care what everyone thought about me but they were Edward's family and I didn't want them to think he was a bad guy. We never intended for this to happen. We never expected to fall for each other the way we did. The best we could hope for is that over time they would see how perfect we are for each other and not judge us.
“Love, are you ready to go?” Edward shouted from the bedroom. No I'm not ready to be judged by your whole family.
“Almost, honey. I just have to find the right outfit. I have no clue what to put on.”
Almost instantly, Edward appeared in the doorway of the closet. “Wear whatever you want to wear. You look beautiful in anything.”
“Don't try to be sweet. I'm serious. Do I go for cute and chic or do I go for casual? I don't want them to judge me by my clothes. They are already going to be judging us for being together.”
He walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me into his body and spoke into my ear. “I promise they aren't like that. They will see how happy we are and will support us. Why don't you wear that pink sundress right there?” He said pointing to my pale pink strapless tube dress.
“You're right. I'll wear that.” I said as I grabbed the dress from the rack.
“Edward” I started as I turned around to face him. “What are we going to do about Em? Have you talked to him? Is he coming?” That question had been in my mind ever since I found out about the reunion. I just hadn't asked Edward yet, I was hoping he would tell me without me having to ask.
He brushed a stray hair away from my face and feeling his fingertips against my face made my skin tingle. “I don't really know if he will be there or not. I haven't talked to him. When I talked to Aunt Amanda she didn't say anything about him. We will deal with him when we see him. Don't stress out about, Love.”
“I'll try.” I said as I pulled myself up to press my lips against his. His kisses always seemed to calm me down.
I finished getting ready and Edward loaded the car with the food and drinks we were responsible for bringing. I grabbed the directions to the park and my purse as I walked out the door to meet Edward in the car.
I reached the car just as Edward had closed the trunk. I looked at him and took a deep breath. I didn't want him to worry about me but I was so nervous about this whole reunion. I didn't want everyone else's judgments ruin what we have. I felt like I had finally found the man I was supposed to be with and I was so scared that something would mess it up.
He grabbed my shoulders and began to rub them. “Bella, I told you, relax. We wouldn't be going if I thought my family would be judging us.” He bent down and kissed my forehead lightly.
I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. “I know. I'm trying to relax.”
We got into the car and Edward started the drive to the park. The location wasn't anymore than a twenty minute drive from the house. We didn't talk much during the drive. Edward put on some relaxing music and I was very appreciative. I just wanted to get there and get it over with and go back to the house and live in our little love bubble, again.
We pulled into the park and as Edward drove around looking for a parking space, I couldn't help but look for Em's car. I was hoping he wasn't there yet. That way I wouldn't have to deal with his stares as we walked towards everyone. Knowing me I would probably fall right in front of everyone and look like a complete idiot.
Edward finally found a place and I never saw Em's car. I took a few deep breaths and got out of the car. I walked around to the trunk to help Edward unload the food. We grabbed the food and drinks and as we started to walk to the pavilion where everyone was gathering, Edward looked at me with his loving eyes and said “Love, it's gonna be fine. I promise. Just relax. If you feel uncomfortable tell me and we will leave.”
“It's okay. I'll be fine. Just don't venture to far away from me, please.”
“You got it.” He said with a smile.
I made it to the pavilion without falling on my face or passing out. There were a few people I recognized from the last reunion and they all kind of looked at me and Edward like they were confused. It was like they expected Em to walk up at any moment and put his arms around me. Edward introduced me to everyone even though he knew I had already met them. It made me feel good that he was introducing me as his girlfriend. Which seemed to confuse everyone even more.
There were a couple times I fully expected someone to say something about it but they never did. I was grateful that I wasn't having to endure the questioning but I still felt out of place. I knew if Edward and I were to stay together we would have to endure this scenario at least once and maybe it was better to get it out of the way now.
The worst was when we made our way over to Em's mom, Amanda. I had intentionally not made eye contact with her yet. I wasn't sure how she would react to us or how I would handle her reaction. She was always so nice to me when I was with Em. She always treated me like a part of the family. I looked at her as a second mother and I wasn't sure what Em had told her about our break up. I was sure he had told her that we were no longer together but she couldn't have any clue about me and Edward.
I looked at Amanda and she also looked confused. “Hey, Amanda. How are you?” I said to her timidly.
She looked at me for a second and then pulled me into a hug. “I've missed you. I was sorry to hear about you and Emmett. I understand though. You have to be happy.” She whispered into my ear.
I hugged her back. I was completely shocked at her gesture. “I've missed you, too.”
She released me and looked over at Edward and pulled him in for a hug, too. “And you, what am I gonna do with you?”
Edward hugged her back as he laughed.
“Now, you two, sit down and talk with me.” She said as she patted the seats of the chairs in front of her own.
We sat down and glanced at each other quickly. I wasn't sure of what she wanted to talk about but she didn't look too upset to see us together.
“So when did this” as he pointed to us, “happen?” She asked curiously.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to answer it. They were his family and he could tell them what he wanted. I looked at him and motioned for him to answer.
“Well, I met Bella when we all went out to celebrate my homecoming and I thought she was a wonderful woman. So, when I broke up with Tanya, I found out that Bella and Emmett had broken up too. I called Bella and we talked and realized we were both attracted to each other and it just kind of developed from there.”
That was a good enough explanation. They didn't need to know the whole truth. It would only make them judge us.
Amanda looked pleased. “Well, Bella, as much as I hate that you aren't with my son, I am happy that you found another good man.” She said as she patted his knee. “I know you will be happy with Edward. You two look so in love, already.”
“That means a lot to me. Thank you.” I said sincerely as I took Edward's hand in my own.
He looked to me and smiled. “I told Bella that you guys would support us being together. I know if you can accept it then anyone here should be able to.”
“As long as you two are happy and treat each other well, we will support whatever choice you make.” She was so sweet and hearing her say that made me relax a little more.
We chatted with her for quite a while. She was very excited to spend time with Edward and he seemed just as excited to talk with her. I excused myself from the conversation so that I could get something to drink.
I walked over to the tables full of food and drinks and grabbed a bottled water from the cooler. As I opened the water and took a sip, I saw Em walking towards the pavilion with Rose. I instantly dropped the bottle out of shock. My heart damn near stopped beating as I stood there unable to move. I knew Alice had said Rose had a mystery man but I had no idea it would be Em.
All kinds of thoughts were going through my mind. At first I was angry because they had clearly been lying to me but then I had to push past that because in all actuality I had been lying to everyone, too. I had no right to be angry with them. Em sleeping with my best friend wasn't any worse than me sleeping with his favorite cousin. How long had this been going on? Were they doing what Edward and I had been doing? It was pretty clear that they had been sleeping together while Em and I were still together. The night Em stood me up and stayed out all night, he had to be with her. It all made since now. Rose's distance from me and Em always denying that he was cheating. I guess they didn't want to hurt me just like I didn't want to hurt Em but it was too late. I had already put everything together and knew that they didn't just get together after we broke up.
As Em and Rose came closer to the pavilion, Edward came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. “Are you okay?”
“I.... uh.... yeah. I'm alright. It's just weird. Why didn't you tell me it was Rose that you saw him with that day?” I said as I turned around to face him.
“Bella, he was cheating on you and I knew that they woman was Rose but I felt like it would only hurt you more to know that it was your friend.” He said as he stroked my cheek with his fingertips.
I knew he was only trying to protect me from unnecessary pain even back then but I wish he would've told me. That was I wouldn't be standing here looking stupid.
“I understand, I'm just so shocked. I never pictured them together and I know that we have no right to say anything about them being together but it's still hard to see.” I confessed.
He bent down and kissed my forehead. “I know, love. They are really close so let's just act like it's okay, alright?”
I nodded my head and turned around to see Em and Rose practically face to face with me.
“Uhhhh …. hey Bella, Edward.” Em said hesitantly. He looked just as surprised to see us together as I was to see them.
“Ummm..... hi.” I managed to spit out. I felt Edward lightly squeeze my hip, trying to snap me out of my shock.
“Hey Em, Rose how are you guys?” He asked them in such a nice tone. I was thankful that he could at least be cordial to them but after all, he had known about them for a while now.
“Hey Bella.” Rose said timidly. I wasn't sure what could've been going through her head. Was she as nervous about coming to this event as I was? How did she think I would react to seeing one of my best friends with the man I spent the last few years of my life with?
“Hey Rose.” I said in almost a whisper.
“So this is awkward, huh?” Edward said with a light chuckle. Was he seriously making jokes right now? Hell he might as well. In this type of situation you either have to laugh or cry and I definitely wasn't going to cry.
“Awkward is putting it lightly.” Rose replied.
“Why don't we all sit down and talk this out? I think it would be best.” Edward suggested. I guessed he was right. We might as well get it all out into the open and maybe we can move on and be decent to each other.
Rose and Em sat down the cooler and supplies they had brought. Edward took my hand and led me over to a picnic table that was empty. We sat down and he looked at me for a second before Em and Rose made it over. “Bella, it's going to be fine. Stick with the story we told Aunt Amanda and just know that no matter what they have done, you made the right decision. They can't hurt us now. Just remember how much we love each other and it will be fine.”
His words calmed me down a little and he was right. Nothing they could say or do could ruin what Edward and I have between us.
They made their way over and sat down in front of us.
Em looked at Edward and I as he began. “So, how long has this been going on between you?”
I almost got angry at his question but I needed to control my anger and remember that what I had done was much worse.
“Well, after Tanya and I broke up, I found out that you and Bella had broken up, also. So I called Bella to check on her and just talk and we realized that we had feelings for each other and it just took off from there.” Edward replied in a calm tone. I was thankful that he was telling that story because he was much better at it than I would be.
“Really?” Em questioned.
“Yes, really Em.” I replied in a sarcastic tone. “What about you and Rose? How long has this been going on? Were you with her the night you stood me up?” I was a little surprised at what I had said. I didn't expect for all of that to come out but I wanted to know.
Edward looked at me out of shock at my questioning. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders.
“Well, it just kind of happened.” He said as he looked to Rose. “Rose and I just seemed to keep running into each other over and over. One day we ended up at the same coffee shop and decided to sit down together and we talked and I guess like you guys, it just developed.” He said it like it was so simple. I kept getting more and more angry because I knew he was lying but I had to remember what Edward had said. I didn't need to let them get to me. It didn't matter if they were lying or not. We were lying to save Em some pain so I assume they were doing the same thing. I needed to just let it go.
I didn't say anything in response to Em's explanation.
“I guess we all have our secrets. Now that we are out in the open, do you think we could all be civilized?” Edward asked.
I didn't respond until I saw Em and Rose nod their heads. They all looked to me for a response and I nodded my head.
“Now that we have that settled, let's go get some food.” Edward suggested. I started to get out of my seat and I heard Rose speak.
“Bella can we talk for a second?” She asked.
“Uhhh sure.” I looked to Edward. “I'll meet you over there in a few minutes.”
“Okay.” He replied.
I sat back down and looked at Rose, waiting for her to begin.
“Bella, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about this before. I just didn't know how to tell you and I didn't want to hurt you.” As she looked down at her hands.
“Rose, I have to admit, it hurt a little to see you two walk up together but I'm fine with it. I'm with Edward and that has to be even more weird for Em. I can't really be mad at you.”
“Do you think we can still be friends?” She asked sheepishly.
I thought a for a few moments before answering. I honestly didn't know if I'd ever be able to truly be friends with her again. I seriously doubted that Em and Edward would ever have the same relationship after knowing that Edward and I were together.
“I'm not sure Rose. We will just have to see. That's the best answer I can give you right now.” I said as I stood up and began to walk away. I was tired of talking about it. I wanted to go back and be with Edward.
I made it over to where Edward was sitting and sat down next to him. He, not surprisingly, had fixed me a plate of food.
“Thank you baby.” I said as I kissed Edward's cheek.
“Anytime, Love. Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, I will be. It's time to move forward. I can't worry about them anymore.” I said as I reached down to grab my hamburger from my plate.
After that, we ate in silence. We simply listened to the rest of the family tell crazy jokes and embarrassing stories about everyone.
Em and Rose kept their distance from us for the rest of the day and I was happy that they did. It made it a little easier to get through the day. I was happy as long as I had Edward by my side.
The reunion was over and no one had gotten into any fights or arguments and it seemed like everyone was accepting our relationship. We said our goodbyes and got into the car.
Edward started the engine and looked over at me. “See, that wasn't so bad was it?”
“No and at least everyone knows about us now. We don't have to hide anymore.” I replied.
“And at least you don't have to feel so bad about our relationship. We aren't the only ones that had secrets.” He said as he reached for my hand.
He enveloped my hand with his. “It's time to truly start the rest of our lives together and without any regrets.” I said confidently.
“I couldn't agree more.” He said before leaning over to press his lips against mine.
His lips left mine and he smiled at me as he put the car in reverse. I leaned back into the seat and looked out the window as we pulled away from the park.
I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders, yes we would be okay. We could move on together.